.. image:: pix/EarthDataCube3.png :width: 250 px :align: center | | | Earth System Data Cube (ESDC) ============================= The Earth System Data Cube (ESDC) is a multi-variate data set of essential Earth System variables on a common grid and sharing a common data model. The ESDC also comprises a Data Analytics Toolkit for Julia, Python, and R to facilitate the exploitation data set and an E-Laboratory, which provides a computing environment to access, analyse and visualize the data set. Our goal is to foster a holistic understanding of the Earth System by simplifying the simultaneous and consistent analysis of big and freely available data sets of geopyhsical variables. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: intro esdc_descr esdc_access esdc_prod dat_julia dat_python collaboration Indices and Tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`